
cutter head中文是什么意思

  • 刀盘体
  • 机械录音头
  • 绞刀头镗刀盘刀盘
  • 截煤机头部
  • 截头
  • 切碎器
  • 切碎装置
  • 铣头
  • 镗刀头



  • 例句与用法
  • Carbid cylinder milling cutter heads for woodworking
  • Tangential cutter head
  • Crystal cutter head
  • Cutter head canopy
  • Repairing technical requirement for special equipment of cutter suction dredgers part 6 : cutter head driven system
  • The giant cylindrical - shaped machine has a cutter head measuring 8 . 7 m in diameter and a total length of more than 100 m . it weighs about 1 , 500 tonnes and will be used for drilling the 1 . 8 - km long tsing tsuen tunnel
  • Klingelnberg cyclo - palloid spiral bevel gear has construction cramped , excellent transmission quality , low noise and loaded vehavior , it ’ s the main form of gear drives in the bevel gear ’ s technology field . it ’ s cyclo - palloid system , two - part cutter head and high power gears ( hpg ) , has certain technology particular than gleason spiral bevel gear . systemic analysing the manufacture principle and meshing principle of klingelnberg cyclo - palloid spiral bevel gear , for accomplishing design theory and analysis method , for enhancement manufacture precision and loaded behavior , for promotion and applied in engineering field , have important theory value and actuality meaning . main work of the paper is tooth form emulation and tooth contact analyse of klingelnberg cyclo - palloid spiral bevel gear
    克林贝格( klingelnberg )延伸外摆线齿锥齿轮结构紧凑、传动性能优良、噪声小、承载能力高,是锥齿轮技术发展的主要齿制,其连续切削法,双层刀盘技术和硬齿面刮削法( hpg )相对于格利森制齿轮有一定的技术特点。系统的分析这种齿轮的加工原理和啮合机理,对完善其设计理论和分析方法,提高加工精度和承载能力,在工程中推广应用具有重要的理论价值和实际意义。
  • Analyse the tooth geometry of klingelnberg cyclo - palloid spiral bevel gear . , according to the relative position and kinematic relation of the cutter heads , virtual crown gear and the processed wheel blank , established the system of coordinates of the gear cutting , dedcuced the tooth face equation of the virtual crown gear , according to relations of the gear cutting and space theory of engagement , deduced the tooth face equation of klingelnberg cyclo - palloid spiral bevel gear , and drawing the three - dimensional graphs of the virutal crown gear and klingelnberg cyclo - palloid spiral bevel gear according to the design and setting parameters
  • Spiral bevel gear presents serials of good performance at transimision , carrying capability etc , of which klingelnber cycloid bevel gear is mostly widely used . it has its own characteristics : ( 1 ) the concave and convex flanks of the gear slot are cut at the same time continuously , this benefit to improve productivity . ( 2 ) universal double cutter heads are used which make it easier to control the tooth contact area
    螺旋锥齿轮具有传动性能优良,承载能力高的优点,克林贝格摆线锥齿轮是一种最具代表性的螺旋锥齿轮齿制,除具有一般螺旋锥齿轮的优点外还具有以下的特点: ( 1 )采用连续分度双面法铣齿,避免了跳齿分度,有利于提高加工精度。
  • Analyse the klingelnberg amk855 gear milling machine . through analyse the transmission chain of the gear milling machine , analyse the transmitting principle and manufacture principle , introduce the two - - part cutter head , the process of formation of extended epicycloide and inaginary crown gear cutting principle ; overall introduce the formation of tooth face , deduce the calculation formulas of the main setting parameter of gear milling machine , and proving the correctness of the setting calculation formulas by the program of ‘ calculating of klingelnberg cyclo - palloid spiral bevel gear milling setting parameter ’
    通过剖析该机床的传动链,分析了其运动原理和加工原理;介绍了双层万能刀盘、延伸外摆线的形成过程和假想平面产形轮切齿理论;全面介绍了齿面的形成方法,推导了铣齿机主要的调整参数的计算公式,并用“ klingelnberg摆线齿锥齿轮铣齿调整参数计算”的程序验证了推导的公式的正确性。
  • 其他语种释义
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